Saturday, July 28, 2007

Spelling the Island


v: to constitute the letters of a word /to add up; signify

n: a trance

I vacillate between verb and noun. Do I spell the name of our new place Kanatabla? Does it mean something like a table rock? The view is splendid. 180 degrees of sea, the island Tinian. Around the corner, San Pedro Chapel is announced by a candy-bright statue of the saint standing next to a statue of a chicken.

And even though we spent three hours scrubbing the floors and walls of our apartment, I am in the trance of flame trees, ylang ylang, coconuts, lagoons you can walk far into, massages the evening after our labor.

Everything adds up to a good place to try teaching.

This morning, I woke early to learn powerpoint. School starts on Friday. I have a grand amount to do beforehand.

And I'll learn how to spell my home.

Anna, landed

1 comment:

Garris Elkins said...

This is dad checking in. I tried to locate Saipan on an online atlas and found that you are a long way from anywhere. I guess that is how paradise works. After looking at the location of Saipan on the atlas I felt lonesome. Such is daddydom. The gang is doing well- dad, mom, david and abbey. Mom has painted the walls of your loft lavender with touches of orange fuzzy felt to accent the newly installed shag rug...just kidding. Things are looking really great as items find their home within the available storage. We keep praying for a great time for you. Tomorrow mom and I fire up the Kawasaki steed and head for the coast for an overnighter. See you later, Dad.